Methods To Create Precise Objects

it’s one thing to be able to draw lines and circles but it’s another to draw them accurately that’s where oh snaps come into play oh snaps are one of the key features in AutoCAD that will enable you to draw accurately and precisely oh snap is short for object snap they force you to automatically draw from a specific point on an object or to an object or draw to an object in this specific way I just want to make sure that you get an introduction to them here as well as some other methods of drafting you’re going to use oh snaps everywhere in every way that you draw you’re going to need them so you need to learn them in fact we’ve already shown you some of them like endpoint midpoint and center of a circle we’re going to look at them in depth in a later section right now I want to make sure I tell you what they are so that when i try to use them even more throughout the rest of the video you won’t be confused or lost this way you’ll have a much better understanding of what they are and what they do oh snaps can be turned off and on or they can be used individually or a combination thereof when you turn them on by pressing the f3 button that is called the running oh snap because you’re oh snaps are always running if you look down at your status bar when you toggle the oh snaps on and off you’ll see in the command line that it tells you that oh snaps off oh snaps on this button right here will also toggle your oh snaps off or on
some people will even go so far as to get a five button mouse and program one of those extra buttons in the mouse to toggle the f3 button off and on which turns the oh snaps on and off on the fly there are times when they get in the way there are times though when you
absolutely have to have them they make drawing so much easier so pressing the f3 button will toggle them off and on and once they’re on they’ll be running and when they’re running I mean like your refrigerator is running type of a thing they’re always on so let’s get a quick demonstration you draw a line or any other object for that matter and you draw another line again now since my oh snaps are on my running oh snaps when I go to draw a line I can automatically snap to the endpoint of that line you see that green box that’s a no snap glyph think hieroglyph you know like an ancient Egyptians have hieroglyphics well this glyph will tell you that that is a endpoint you’ll also get a word that says endpoint that’s if your dynamic input is on if I turn that off by pressing either f12 or clicking on the status bar down here below I get a little different indication it’s just the green box and then it says end point so sometimes you may want to turn that off now there are other oh snaps available to you besides end point if you type in OS on the command line press enter this will open up your drafting settings dialog box these are all of the object snaps that you have available to you whichever ones are checked on will be the ones that are functioning during your running Oh stamps you can select everything if you want or you can turn them all off
quickly for me the way I use them as I turn everything on except for nearest and parallel I really like having all these other oh snaps on we’ll go over each of them very briefly this is the end point that will snap to the end of an object like a vertex or vertice on a line this is the midpoint will go to the middle of an object the center will go to the center point of a circle or arc a node will go to like a dimension it’s a or a point at dimensions will talk about them later they have a dimension points and that so measuring the distance between those two points and that’s where the note is the quadrant will snap to circle or arc or ellipse or one of those various types of objects and the quadrant is in the top the bottom of the left and the right extreme portions of that circle or arc the intersection is where two objects intersect an extension will cause a temporary extension of a liner arc so you can continue on its pathway and then it will take you to some other point insertion is if you have a block it has an insertion point and it will snap right to that point perpendicular is very useful it will bring something it while perpendicular to another object tangent will draw a tangent line to an arc or circle the nearest will pick any point on an object that your crosshairs are nearest to when you click your mouse that can be very dangerous because you don’t know exactly where it’s going but sometimes that’s okay sometimes you just want to be on the object and you don’t really care exactly where it is so it’s useful but that’s why I turn it off because this will overwrite a lot of things I’ll show you later on at apparent
intersection is where two lines would intersect if they continued on but maybe they’ve been broken or trimmed or something and parallel can be difficult to use but it will make a line will parallel to another object
now even though you’re running oh snaps are on and you’re trying to draw something endpoint mid point or another endpoint here you can override this at any time just by typing in the short key command for that snap for instance endpoint
Izzy and D press enter
once you type that in though regardless of what you do it will always snap to an end point even with your running oh snaps are on if you type in the wrong thing just click somewhere arbitrarily your command is still going but it clears that out you can always shift and then right click to have a list of all of your oh snaps here available to you you can pick the end point midpoint intersection etc let me show you nearest very quickly this is what it looks like it’s going to snap here to any point on this line
draws it right to the line
that’s the general idea for oh snaps we’ll talk about them in depth a little bit later on but we’ll really dig down in and deep and show you some tricks that you can use with them but otherwise we’re going to use them off and on throughout the rest of this video

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