so you save your file right here in your Autodesk 360 folder I’m just going to call this design feed test I already have a file in here but it’s blank that’s fine
associated with a specific location and your drawing or just in general there are different tools in here that will allow users to tag different colleagues or clients or consultants whoever they’ve shared the file with you can share your files with multiple people via email and then once you tag them or save the file a notification will be delivered to that person and it will also appear within AutoCAD so if they have their version of the file opened up and it’s shared through Autodesk 360 you make a change to it you post a note here in design feed and it will notify them right away so you can be working in the same building even with your design team on a project and you just come here and click on the create post that opens it up right here you can say something like this is the best design ever and hit post and it tells you right here now it’s number one and I can do a lot of other things with it I can click reply to reply to it I can say hey this has been resolved so we don’t have to worry about it anymore or I can even delete it now another nice thing here that you can do is you can associate this post with an area in the drawing so I can click on it here and find a spot and there we go say this area is important click post now it’s done that
if I select this comment it’ll zoom right to it the little note will pop up and I know what’s going on you can pin something to a specific spot you can tag a person in a post or you can even attach an image this is very handy with the mobile devices if you’re out in the field somewhere inspecting a house for example and you can take a picture and will be associated with a specific wall or the foundation maybe stairway
whatever the case might be so you will have a picture from the field attached to your drawing and it will be saved in the cloud and you can also send that information to someone at your design shop at your Center and they will be able to document it for you right away so the design feed is a fantastic tool that can open up a lot of different possibilities for you and your
co-workers or your colleagues to
communicate with each other through

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