AutoCAD Tutorial

Measuring Tools

we have seen how to get information about our objects but what if we need to get information that these objects create for example I need to know the distance...

Listing Objects

the ability to create objects in AutoCAD is a must and we have seen many ways to create data and several different types of objects but what if you didn’t...

Chapter Project

in Chapter five we learned how to draw things and we created this project here it was our simple landscape plan open that up I’ve saved a copy of what...

Object Properties

in this chapter we have focused on editing objects every object has properties like color line type length layer and much more different object types have different properties one way...

Copy Arrays

there is one more rate tool that I want to talk about and that’s the copy array it’s not a real array command but it kind of is it’s also...

Pathway Arrays

the third type of array is called the pathway array this tool will array objects along a given path that means you can copy different things in your drawing along...